Monday, November 29, 2010

Electric Cars: Great in theory, miserable in practice

Have you ever dreamed of driving an electric car? I think we all have had visions of the Jetsons as a reality for our lives when we were to get older. The truth however is much more complicated and disappointing though. Electric cars have been around for almost a century and yet they still are ineffective as an everyday vehicle unless you commute in the city or less than 25-30 miles one way. Typically they have a range of 100 miles before requiring a new charge. For people in cities this could work, however what happens if you want to drive from Boston to New York City? You're not going to be able to drive straight through and the recharging can take 4-8 HOURS! The argument about not having enough charging stations is a silly one at this point, what these companies need to focus their attention on is creating a more simply engine, one that requires less energy to run and thus allow the driver to travel 200-300 miles in between charges. Until this happens, it is going to be very difficult to convince the American people that electric cars are the wave of the future. For more on this check out the article below.

- Design is what you make it.

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