Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crunch Time

You're sitting in front of your computer reading this, probably haven't moved out of that seat for the past 2-3 hours. This type of sedentary lifestyle pushed onto us through mandatory workloads has helped to make the United States of America an out-of-shape, overweight mess. If you have a long commute you spend even less time being active and reduce any time to work out. What's the solution to keep you from becoming the size of a small SUV? New office furniture! Wait, was a change in office furniture really suggested rather than dieting or hitting the gym? Yes, it was...check out this link for some fun ideas to stay the slender svelte self you want to be.

- Design is what you make it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hitting Close to Home....or Previous Home

Well it's back after a long sabbatical; the weekly blog posts shall return.

This week in the news: Somerville, MA secured $2.3million from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development and will receive federal tax credits to the tune of $619,000 in order to build 31 new affordable housing units at a cost of $97,000 per unit, allowing the city to complete Phase III of Saint Polycarp Village. Somerville also will receive an additional $1million in Federal subsidies to create 8 affordable housing units on Cross Street at a cost of $125,000 per unit.

Now you know...what will YOU do with that knowledge?

- Design is what you make it.