Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Recycling more than just cans and bottles

The past decade has turned a lot of focus to recycling as a way to reuse materials and reduce one's "carbon footprint". Most people associate recycling with aluminum cans, plastic and glass bottles, and newspapers. The truth is in today's world it's possible to recycle virtually all the materials that go into the creation of a building. Recycling is a great way to eliminate additional landfill and reduce waste. Keep in mind that recycling DOES use energy in order to reuse those materials so it's not 100% gain. The best method if possible when it comes to existing buildings is to resurrect the building into new glory through reuse and/or possibly change of use. For some great examples of buildings that saw renovation and face lifts rather than destruction when their initial usable life had expired follow the link below.


- Design is what you make it.

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