Thursday, June 28, 2012


The old adage from real estate; Location, Location, Location is well known and factual. It's all about the location of the property that makes it valuable. How well does this concept translate to other parts of life? Perspective, perspective, translates quite nicely. After all, everyone has their own perspective of each situation. This is one reason eye witness testimony is so difficult to use as hard evidence. What one person saw and believes to be true, could be different from another observer of the same situation. Where you're located physically or mentally when asked about something or observing something plays a significant role on your stance of the reality.

Take Union Square, Somerville for instance. The mayor instituted a new concept for parking streetside in this community. In the past all street parking was parallel or 45 degree parking spots that one PULLS into. The mayor modified this to change the 45 degree parking spots so one must BACK into them, similar to some places they have found in other cities around the country.

Mayor Joe says the new parking is working! Well, there are many who beg to differ on the definition of "working". The mayor applauds the fact that "initial data suggests that the pilot program to calm traffic, promote pedestrian and bicycle safety,... in Union Square is working as intended.". From Mayor Joe's "perspective", creating a slower area that affords more walking and biking and less driving is all positive. From many residents of the area, they're "perspective" is quite different. "This has got to be the most idiotic thing Somerville has ever done!", said by a local resident. This backing in concept has slowed traffic which translates into MORE traffic. Introducing even more pedestrian and bicycle traffic also slows traffic creating MORE traffic.

So the question that isn't being asked that should be, is: "At what point is the balance of maintaining safe pedestrian traffic sustainable while providing safe vehicular traffic without causing congestion?" This specific situation may have some initial positives from Mayor Joe's perspective, but he is elected by the individuals that use this area of the city and vote him in. Perhaps he should listen to the local residents and try to find some harmony that allows for safest possible situation with the least amount of impact on traffic and thus satisfying his constituents on all accords.

To read more on this situation visit:

- Design is what you make it.

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