Monday, January 31, 2011

Does it pay to go green?

Incentives, incentives...the upfront cost of going green with solar panels (most common interpretation of going green for residential use), can sometimes scare off homeowners who could benefit financially while helping the environment benefit through reduced fossil fuel consumption. The financial burden has been greatly reduced through incentive based programs by states and the federal government. In most cases, the overall cost is reduced by 50% after applying for and receiving the tax credits. This reduction makes the installation of solar panels for home energy independence much more affordable and shortens the time line to recoup the upfront costs. Massachusetts has dedicated $1 million dollars to this endeavor. Speak to some contractors to see how much it would cost for you to make your home more green friendly and review the incentives you could receive. Creating a green friendly home not only helps the environment, but also can help save you money in the long term as well as increasing the value of your home.

- Design is what you make it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sign of the times or Women gone mad?

Last Thursday marked a special occasion, the Somerville Swap. Located in the Somerville Armory, over 250 women turned out for a swap-a-thon. What drove these women to an event where you can swap your clothing for another's clothing? Is it the economy? Is it a woman's instinctual ritual of locating a great find? We all know women who will buy things on sale even if they don't need it just because it was ON SALE! I want to hear from the ladies out there. Is an event like this attractive to you? Allow you to rid yourself of your tired clothes for some new threads? What say you?

- Design is what you make it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Boston Built in Tradition

Boston is unique for a larger city, it's steeped in tradition from it's societal acumen to it's architecture. The winter months really represent how traditional Bostonians can be, how unwilling to accept change. Take the parking issue: in years past, it was understood if you dug your car out of the snow, then all you had to do was leave some junk in that spot and it was yours until Spring came. This was the custom until a few years ago when the Mayor declared that residents could "save" their spot for only 48 hours after the storm ended. It's safe to say some neighborhoods have taken to this declaration by the Mayor with less than enthusiasm. Bostonians like their traditions...they like things to stay the same. No place is this more obvious than in their architecture. Incorporating contemporary design into the conservative traditional fabric is like fending off a heavy weight boxer; most don't succeed and the few that try usually get pummeled. Check out these pics which represent just how good Boston is at keeping their architecture true to Bostonian tradition of staying the same.

- Design is what you make it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Old Adage rings true

We all know the phrase: "If you build it, they will come". How on point is this phrase about so few buildings (note all the vacant condominium building projects constructed within the last 5 years). Now for a refreshing take on an old building type; take a trip to Miami where the warm weather is a welcome sight during these frigid months...also a welcome sight apparently is a $65 million dollar parking garage. So welcome that many couples are renting it out for weddings, bar mitzvahs, and general cocktail parties. Seeing is believing...and thus you must see this PARKING GARAGE! (never thought I'd utter those words in my lifetime, nice to see high architecture can be found in the most mundane building types)

- Design is what you make it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Turning old, new again

Bored of your place but don't want to spend lots of cash to give it a face lift? Check out this article with some great ideas that don't cost a lot of money.

- Design is what you make it.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Well it's time for men to weigh in on what the ladies in their lives wear. Men are notoriously labeled as having poor fashion sense and many women find this trait endearing (mostly because they believe it gives them full right to place adult dress up and continue what they started as a child with Ken and Barbie). That is why it is now only fair to allow the men an opportunity to weigh in on the conversation and point out the things they do and do not like about the attire their women choose to wear.

High design in fashion is like art, it can be truly amazing to look at in a frame or on a stage but not practical in reality. Fashion shows are necessary to keep the industry fresh with new ideas, colors, and fabrics from which to create the next great trend. That being said, many pieces of apparel that are fabricated are unflattering. Review the link for some great examples of some horrendous fashion faux pas that became a trend when they should never have been created in the first place.

- Design is what you make it.

Monday, January 10, 2011


The Name of the Game, or better yet...the Name IS the Game. Subconsciously we are inundated everyday by hundreds of names of companies and products. Through the use of scientific studies, we have learned the name chosen and lettering / logo used to express that name tell a lot about a company and in aiding those that come in contact with it to quickly decipher what company or product is all about. For instance, if I mention Wal-Mart, the first image that will come to most people is a large store. Mostly due to the name recognition, however also due to the "Mart" part of the name. Another good example would be Home Depot. One doesn't need to have advanced training in code breaking to figure out that this is a store that sells home improvement products.
The human mind is amazing at deciphering things through our subconscious, sometimes though that can play against us which is where creative marketing and advertising comes into play. I am sure everyone has seen an ad located in a magazine, poster, billboard, or bus stop bench where the creative advertising team spelled a word in large letters SDROWKCAB in order to get your attention. The human mind sees this as strange and awkward and it draws our attention immediately no matter how hard we try not to notice. The mnd is also amzing at addng lettrs for wrds we are fmiliar to complte thm corrctly shld thy be mssing and it does so quickly without effort (thank goodness for Spell Check or we would all probably send out letters and documents with errors on a regular basis!)

All this brings me to one simple question: What is in a name? If I mention the name of a company like: Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, many people would think this was a law firm simply because of the format of the company's name (and you'd be correct). The architecture world is at a crossroads with many firms changing their names to reflect better what they do as well as create a brand name that becomes synonymous with high design and architecture. Kurtz Design Studio is a fine name, but is it the best name to express what I do and who I am? I am hoping to receive lots of feedback and perhaps some ideas and suggestions that could make my company's name even stronger and identifiable. Please help, I'd love to hear from you.

- Design is what you make it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hear ye, Hear ye...Construction to start again!

You heard it here first (second if you read the NY Times). In 2011 it is anticipated that construction in and around the country should start to begin again. In the Boston area specifically, there are numerous apartment rental buildings in the works and some large private office buildings are set to get underway. While the commercial building sector is still at a stand still, the residential rental market looks strong as many "potential homebuyers" are weary of the real estate market still and opting to rent rather than buy.

How does all this news affect you? Well as we saw some nice boom times in the early to mid-2000's, the U.S. economy truly is driven by the construction industry. The more construction that is going on, the more trickle down effect should be felt regarding jobs and drop in unemployment. It may be too early to jump up and down saying the financial woes are gone, however it is a bright spot on the horizon and I for one am going to use as much optimism as I can muster because it feels much better to think positively than it does to worry.
Check out the article attached below for more information on this:

- Design is what you make it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New England Charm

What makes for a beautiful home? While tastes vary from place to place, it is difficult to argue that the selected home shown in a slide show through the link below, is not only unique but also admired by all who see it. This Victorian home has gorgeous frescos, built-in casework, molded plasterwork, and original wood carvings that put contemporary builders and the McMansions they build to shame. This is a great example of how to add character to a home and create a space that oozes what New England homes are known for...charm. Enjoy the slide show

- Design is what you make it.