Friday, January 14, 2011


Well it's time for men to weigh in on what the ladies in their lives wear. Men are notoriously labeled as having poor fashion sense and many women find this trait endearing (mostly because they believe it gives them full right to place adult dress up and continue what they started as a child with Ken and Barbie). That is why it is now only fair to allow the men an opportunity to weigh in on the conversation and point out the things they do and do not like about the attire their women choose to wear.

High design in fashion is like art, it can be truly amazing to look at in a frame or on a stage but not practical in reality. Fashion shows are necessary to keep the industry fresh with new ideas, colors, and fabrics from which to create the next great trend. That being said, many pieces of apparel that are fabricated are unflattering. Review the link for some great examples of some horrendous fashion faux pas that became a trend when they should never have been created in the first place.

- Design is what you make it.

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