Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Boston Built in Tradition

Boston is unique for a larger city, it's steeped in tradition from it's societal acumen to it's architecture. The winter months really represent how traditional Bostonians can be, how unwilling to accept change. Take the parking issue: in years past, it was understood if you dug your car out of the snow, then all you had to do was leave some junk in that spot and it was yours until Spring came. This was the custom until a few years ago when the Mayor declared that residents could "save" their spot for only 48 hours after the storm ended. It's safe to say some neighborhoods have taken to this declaration by the Mayor with less than enthusiasm. Bostonians like their traditions...they like things to stay the same. No place is this more obvious than in their architecture. Incorporating contemporary design into the conservative traditional fabric is like fending off a heavy weight boxer; most don't succeed and the few that try usually get pummeled. Check out these pics which represent just how good Boston is at keeping their architecture true to Bostonian tradition of staying the same.


- Design is what you make it.

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